Monday, July 22, 2013

Fun in the Sun along the Connecticut River

On Friday, July 19, it was summer hours at work.  Myself and my co-workers were able to leave work at Noon.  This allowed us to plan a doggie play date down at the Connecticut River.  We arrived at 1:30 pm to find that the river was at low tide, which revealed the sandbar that runs along the Meadows Park. We were all able to walk out to the sandbar and enjoy a refreshing dip in the water giving all of us a break from the heat wave. Mollie had an amazing afternoon swimming in the river as she chased her tennis balls. Her sister Emmie, was not ready to swim out into the deeper water. While my girl's doggie friends Banx her Boarder Collie and Myka looked on from the shore.  This afternoon was topped off with pup cups for the dogs and ice cream treats from Higgies, Higganum, Connecticut.  These photographs were taken by Olivia Drake with her IPhone.